Sunday, December 9, 2012

Is there a War on Christmas?

Its been awhile since I updated blog but I found a issue close to my heart that I feel that I must write about. Its came about when I went to my towns tree lighting this weekend. It's the issue about all the political correctness that has gone into Christmas.

At the tree lighting one of our local churches puts up a nativity scene every year. After last year there where protestors that felt it was wrong to put it up. However it was sponsored privately so the whole thing was fair. One thing that bothers me is that they are ruining Christmas by taking the religious customs away. What if we did this to Jewish or other religious holidays also? Santa Claus started with St Nick, candy canes are to represent the shepherds at Jesus birth and Stars and Angles are to guide us to baby Jesus. These things have been secularized in today's culture though. I only ask people to give fair treatment and asking to keep Christ in Christmas

Thanks for reading. They ruled that the nativity scene was allowed since it was sponsored privately. Just wish the issue wasn't brought up.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Christmas and commercialism

With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up I thought about the commercialism in it. I realize that I am just as guilty of buying presents as anyone however I feel that it has become way to commercialized

I just realized as I was looking at the Black Friday ads and how the stores are opening so much earlier to collect a couple extra dollars. Presents are fine but I think we should all take some time to think about the real reason we calibrate. Jesus is the reason and that is why I go to church. It's my favorite part of the holiday is the Christmas Eve Mass at church. The spirit there is amazing.

I hope everyone gives some thoughts to the true meaning of Christmas. Enjoy all the presents and family time also

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day 2012

Today is labor day and since my favorite season is fall I love the start of fall as well as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The last for months of the year have been my favorite since I was little.

We spent the weekend as a last hurrah of summer. As it should be but this year I am actually sad to see summer go. We had a lot of changes this past year and I am wondering how they will affect us this fall and into winter.

I am grateful for all the prayers and support that I have gotten over the past year and have a long road ahead. This is only the beginning.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I always feel I don't get to travel much. Mostly because of just life. Things just seem to happen to me. I had so much craziness in this past year I was just excited to visit a friend and get away from the craziness life brings.

We had to take a route that was slightly longer than we would have liked mostly so that we could keep in touch with family and be in the loop incase of a emergency. However we made it to Baltimore. The city is wonderful we spent time in Towson as well. We where able to make a trip to the ocean city why we were there as well as a trip to Washington, DC. The east coast is such a beautiful and vast area. I must also admit it was pretty driving through the Allegheny mountains and loved everything we got to do.

I know traveling takes a lot more planning for me than the average. I am still lucky I got a chance to go. I am hopping that I will get to travel more but probably won't get to do to much for the next 15-20 years

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The good the bad and everything inbetween

I haven't updated my blog in awhile but now I have a few moments to do it I would like to say that it's been a emotional journey for me these last few mounths. I have had a lot going on and have been though a really long journey. Though it all I have learned a lot It all stated just before Easter I went to two of the hardest funerels in my life. One was for my great Grandma. I was very close with her she was the one that did many or the things with me my grandma would have normaly done but could not because of her MS. My grandma went into the hospital on Easter Sunday and was on a ventilator. I saw her and was just in tears I has already lost two relitives that week and saw a third fighting for her life. I know that is a lot for one week. She went on and off the vent for almost a month and a half until they put a Trachea tube in her last week. I also had some high points like we went to the science museum and it was a wonderful experiance and my family loved the planetarium show that we saw there. We spent memorial day up at the lake and it was the most peace I had in awhile. In conclusion that the story of the last two mounths filled with heartache and tears but a few nice moments.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

One month without twitter: Early Summer

Hi! I thought I would blog tonight. This last week the weather here in Pennsyvaina has been amazing. It's been summer weather even though it's still early spring. It's been a nice treat but makes me wonder if we could break 100 in the summer though. I am still longing for summer though. Summer is always a great time because it's the only time the beaches and water parks are open anywhere around here.

I have been trying to get ready for summer since the weathers has been so nice. It's been a bit busy here. I can't believe that the warm weather snuck up as fast as it did. 80 degress. Remember last year I was wondering if we could shed our costs before memorial day. What a difference a year makes. I am hopping this weather continues through the summer don't want a rainy summer. I am looking forward to summer this year. Only 2 1/2 more. I have a lot of stuff going on this year.

I hope you enjoyed my blog and the weather. Working on a few different projects for the summer can't wait to get back on twitter.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 24 I made it week 3

Hi! I haven't written a blog in awhile so thought that I would post one tonight. I have now made it 3 weeks without twitter. I have missed talking to all of you. I know it's just a mater of time before Lents over though. This has been a test of will power for me. I have taken some time to look over all the gifts that god has given me.

I had a pretty good childhood for the most part grew up in a nice urban neighborhood with lots of kids my own age and had lots of friends. My patents where great parents. I remembrar our trips downtown and our Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter celebrations. I remember baking cookies with my mom. To this day I love to bake cookies even though I am not the natural cook. I competed in Gymnastics and Figure Skating. My room had medals and trophys I won. The hardest thing I faced was moving as a kid. My patents wanted out of the city. They said that although we lived in a nice neighborhood it was getting to crowded. We moved out to a small town in PA. I must admit we do have a beatiful state. The kids though in my new town I was the outcast

This school was different from my old school. 98% of the kids had lived in this town there whole lives and since I had not I was the outcast of the school. I also wasn't into the same music, movies or clothes these kids where into. I just go through high school and went onto college. This was where I met my husband. We got married after college and we had a nice wedding. I was just looking through our wedding album the other day and remembering the day. Though we had ups and downs these last few years I would not trade it for anything.

I hope you enjoyed my blog and looking back on my life been busy these last few weeks and very excited for Easter. I hope to catch up with all of you in a few weeks.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 15: two weeks without Twitter

I have now competed two weeks without Twitter and still have a ways to go. This has really been one of the one hardest challenges that I have faced. The journey is opening my eyes to how much time I do waste on the Internet and that I was on twitter two much.

I was sick with a throat infection this week. I was sick from Friday night till yesterday morning. Let's just say its been a long weekend for me. I hate being sick like that and still not 100 percent over it. I also heard the news that they will have a Bope event on June 2nd. I am happy for all the fans that are going. The sad thing is I will be left behind again since thats my brothers gradation. I sometimes wish I could live the life style where I could just pick up and fly when ever but I can't. Though I will one day at least I hope so. I need to have faith.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed my week two blog. I have been doing pretty well other than my throat infection and I hope everyone else is doing well

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 8 One week without Twitter

Today marks 1 complete week without Twitter and it's also leap day Febuary 29. I think that my first week without Twitter was a good week but still excited for the day I get back to twitter. I have given up stuff for lent almost every year since I was a child but this is truly one of the hardest things I ever given up but that was the point of it.

The days have been pretty much routine here mostly doing housework, hanging out with family, reading or watching tv. I am also going to church on Wednessday nights as wel. I am mostly trying to improve myself as person. I have been working out every morning as usual. I have done Yoga, running and Step Aribics. I am going to go to try and get a Zumba tape soon. That will help add more verity to my workouts.

I am hooping to go out this weekend with my husband. Not sure if its actully going to happen though. wishing everyone well until my next blog

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 5 giving up twitter for lent

Hi!I am going to write updates through my blog so that everyone could be updated on how we are doing. I am doing well but miss everybody on twitter. The hardest part of this whole thing was not being able to chat with all my friends the way I used to. Its hard but felt that I had to give up somthing for lent that was hard after the year I had last year. It has been hard since twiter been such a big part of my life. It's odd thinking that I won't be back on twitter until April. I am now realizing how much time I spent on Twitter and other internet sites that it's actully been nice having more free time.

These last few days I have been doing household chores, mostly been reading, watching TV and hanging out with family. Wednessday was weird because it was my first day off twitter. I had to delete twitter apps from my phone to keep from tweeting. We went to church that evening and got ashes marked on our foreheads. Thursday we had a small snow storm got about 3 or 4 inches of snow. Friday night was spent at the store buying gifts for my new cousin. We had a family get together yesterday becuase my cousins came down to visit with his new baby a little girl. We had a great time. I will say not worrying about getting on twitter was nice for the day. It enhanced the family get together.

I hope you enjoyed this blog entry I might post once or twice a week just to keep everybody informed on what's going on until I come back to twitter in April. Wishing all my followers a great week. I miss everyone and can't wait to chat. If I gain any new followers don't give up on hearing from me. I gave up twitter for Lent and haven't even lurked on my account to check things. I promise I will be back.