Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 8 One week without Twitter

Today marks 1 complete week without Twitter and it's also leap day Febuary 29. I think that my first week without Twitter was a good week but still excited for the day I get back to twitter. I have given up stuff for lent almost every year since I was a child but this is truly one of the hardest things I ever given up but that was the point of it.

The days have been pretty much routine here mostly doing housework, hanging out with family, reading or watching tv. I am also going to church on Wednessday nights as wel. I am mostly trying to improve myself as person. I have been working out every morning as usual. I have done Yoga, running and Step Aribics. I am going to go to try and get a Zumba tape soon. That will help add more verity to my workouts.

I am hooping to go out this weekend with my husband. Not sure if its actully going to happen though. wishing everyone well until my next blog

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 5 giving up twitter for lent

Hi!I am going to write updates through my blog so that everyone could be updated on how we are doing. I am doing well but miss everybody on twitter. The hardest part of this whole thing was not being able to chat with all my friends the way I used to. Its hard but felt that I had to give up somthing for lent that was hard after the year I had last year. It has been hard since twiter been such a big part of my life. It's odd thinking that I won't be back on twitter until April. I am now realizing how much time I spent on Twitter and other internet sites that it's actully been nice having more free time.

These last few days I have been doing household chores, mostly been reading, watching TV and hanging out with family. Wednessday was weird because it was my first day off twitter. I had to delete twitter apps from my phone to keep from tweeting. We went to church that evening and got ashes marked on our foreheads. Thursday we had a small snow storm got about 3 or 4 inches of snow. Friday night was spent at the store buying gifts for my new cousin. We had a family get together yesterday becuase my cousins came down to visit with his new baby a little girl. We had a great time. I will say not worrying about getting on twitter was nice for the day. It enhanced the family get together.

I hope you enjoyed this blog entry I might post once or twice a week just to keep everybody informed on what's going on until I come back to twitter in April. Wishing all my followers a great week. I miss everyone and can't wait to chat. If I gain any new followers don't give up on hearing from me. I gave up twitter for Lent and haven't even lurked on my account to check things. I promise I will be back.