Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 24 I made it week 3

Hi! I haven't written a blog in awhile so thought that I would post one tonight. I have now made it 3 weeks without twitter. I have missed talking to all of you. I know it's just a mater of time before Lents over though. This has been a test of will power for me. I have taken some time to look over all the gifts that god has given me.

I had a pretty good childhood for the most part grew up in a nice urban neighborhood with lots of kids my own age and had lots of friends. My patents where great parents. I remembrar our trips downtown and our Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter celebrations. I remember baking cookies with my mom. To this day I love to bake cookies even though I am not the natural cook. I competed in Gymnastics and Figure Skating. My room had medals and trophys I won. The hardest thing I faced was moving as a kid. My patents wanted out of the city. They said that although we lived in a nice neighborhood it was getting to crowded. We moved out to a small town in PA. I must admit we do have a beatiful state. The kids though in my new town I was the outcast

This school was different from my old school. 98% of the kids had lived in this town there whole lives and since I had not I was the outcast of the school. I also wasn't into the same music, movies or clothes these kids where into. I just go through high school and went onto college. This was where I met my husband. We got married after college and we had a nice wedding. I was just looking through our wedding album the other day and remembering the day. Though we had ups and downs these last few years I would not trade it for anything.

I hope you enjoyed my blog and looking back on my life been busy these last few weeks and very excited for Easter. I hope to catch up with all of you in a few weeks.

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